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Upgrading from traditional printing machine to fully automatic digital printing machine

The author:小编time:2022-01-12 14:02 browse

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Now talk about the traditional printing machine upgrade to fully automatic digital printing machine method. For the printing industry, if the past decade was the development theme of "em...

         Now talk about the traditional printing machine upgrade to fully automatic digital printing machine method. For the printing industry, if the past decade was the development theme of "embracing the Internet", then the future will be the era of "digitalization and intelligence". According to the analysis of the current printing market development, it is estimated that the size of China's printing market will reach 1.43 trillion yuan in 2026. But in comparison, China has 100,000 printing enterprises, 3.4 million employees, per capita output value of only 3.4 million yuan, and some developed countries still have a big gap.

Upgrading from traditional to fully automatic Digital printing Machines (Figure 1)

       It is not difficult to find that the output value of China's printing industry and the production efficiency of enterprises still have a lot of space to improve, combined with the current market development environment and the conditions of high-quality development in the field of information technology in China, to achieve digital, intelligent, will be the majority of printing industry to achieve a breakthrough. This is also the main prerequisite for the transformation of traditional printing machines into fully automatic digital printing machines.

Upgrading from traditional printing machine to fully automatic digital printing machine(图1)

        Data-driven industrial transformation is the core of digital economy. For the printing industry, digital-driven industrial upgrading mainly includes three dimensions: data-driven, intelligent production and product and service innovation. This requires that printing enterprises must take data as the basis, use digital, network, intelligent technology means, change the traditional enterprise production and operation mode, bid farewell to the previous scattered ordering mode, rely on data decision-making and intelligent equipment to achieve production coordination, so as to achieve their own intelligent production and operation level. The way to upgrade traditional printing press to fully automatic digital printing press is to adopt new technology and equipment, and at the same time, it will promote the innovation of enterprise products and services. Reduce product categories, improve the degree of specialization of a product, enhance the ability to undertake a large number of orders, speed up the process of their own specialization.

       The automatic digital printing machine has a high utilization rate and is the first choice for intelligent transformation in terms of intelligent and digital transformation. A piece of paper, a piece of paper, a box of paper, a lot of reuse, will be a digital experiment. The traditional small-batch, scattered and disorderly processing and manufacturing enterprises are digitally transformed to promote their visual production and enhance their intelligent manufacturing capabilities.

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